Service Reservations Use this form to submit a service reservation request. Please refer to our Service Menu to see what we offer. Name Phone Email Type of Service/Tune-Up Level 1 Check Over and Inspection - $99.99-Winter Special $69.99-Save $30 Level 2 Tune-Up - $129.99-Winter Special $89.99-Save $40 Level 3 Tune-Up - $179.99-Winter Special $129.99-Save $50 Level 4 Overhaul - $299.99 Flat Tire - $15 Excludes Tube Gear Adjustment - $20 Brake Adjustment - $20 Replace Chain - $20 Replace Freewheel or Cassette - $8 Off Bike/ $15 on Bike Wheel True - $20 Replace Broken Spoke and True Wheel - $30 Level 1 Check Over and Inspection - $99.99 *Please be aware that replacement parts are an extra charge Bike Description Please include Make, Model and Color of your bicycle! Comments/Notes Once your information is submitted, you will receive your reservation details via email. Keep this field blank